The Alexander Technique's role in emotions, and happiness.

Alexander Technique-Happiness

The Alexander Technique and Happiness


F.M. Alexander (1869-1955), the developer of the Alexander Technique, would be fascinated by the emerging evidence of how thinking affects our brain, how our brain affects our body, and how our body affects our brain. Detailed brain imagery demonstrates that thinking is not a purely mental process; it is physical as well. Measurable, physical changes occur in our brains ‘just’ by thinking. In other words, we don’t “just” think. We change our brains, in function and structure, with our minds.


Practicing the Alexander Technique


When we think about something enough, Alexander Technique principles included, we strengthen associated neural pathways. Thinking changes specific areas of the brain, including areas that control our emotions. Because of the neural mind/body loop, we can affect our emotions by the way we think and move. We can actually practice both the mental and physical manifestations of happiness.

Let go of any neck tension.

As your neck muscles let go they will lengthen, letting your head go up.

Let your head slightly rotate forward, and move up.

A slight smile; Breathe out slowly and fully.


Alexander Technique and Breathing


Slowly exhale making a whispered ah sound.

Let the air come back in through your nose, silently.

Think of something that will make you smile.


By Mark Josefsberg-Alexander Technique NYC