Alexander Technique and jaw tensionThe Alexander Technique and your jaw.

Grinding your teeth? Grinding through your life? Is your daily grind starting to wear you down?

Hard work has it’s place, and there may be times when you want to “keep your nose to the grindstone”, but this doesn’t always serve you well. You may end up with a stiff neck, a tense jaw, and a bloody nose.

We grind our teeth with jaw tension, which is accompanied by neck tension. Even when we don’t have our teeth together, we tense our jaw. Excess jaw and neck tension becomes “normal.” We clench our teeth at night, a carry-over from the day. So we may be gritting, clenching, and grinding 24-7. TMJ syndrome may not be far behind.

Often we’re not conscious of jaw tension until we experience jaw pain, or we become aware of our jaw tension through the Alexander Technique.

The Alexander Technique and grinding your teeth.

There is a correlation between grinding your teeth, grinding through your life, having an axe to grind, and your daily grind. Life can grind us down. We grit our teeth and bear it, unless the pain gets bad enough so that our lives grind to a halt.

The Alexander Technique works, because the Alexander Technique is grounded in truth. With the Alexander Technique, it’s a cinch to stop the clutch of the tension-causing clenching and the clenching-causing tension.

Through Alexander lessons we can learn to consciously, intentionally, release jaw and neck tension. This grinding and gripping doesn’t happen in isolation, so by purposefully controlling jaw tension we’re affecting our neck tension, back pain, posture, our mood, and our relationship with those close to us.

Let the Alexander Technique help you stop grinding and start grinning. Save the grind for your coffee.

Mark Josefsberg-Alexander Technique NYC