Alexander Technique Back Pain Relief

Lower Back Pain.

Three main reasons people seek out Alexander Technique teachers are:

1. To learn how to use the Alexander Technique for lower back pain.

2. To learn how to use to use the Alexander Technique for neck and shoulder pain.

3. To learn how to use the Alexander Technique to improve  posture.

What people might not realize is how closely these three are related. Long-term bad posture can affect your spine, which in turn can cause low back pain and/or neck pain.



The Alexander Technique for Chronic Lower Back Pain.

You can use the Alexander Technique for lower back pain by learning how to stop habitually compressing your spine. New beneficial postural habits are formed, simply by practicing.

You practice the Alexander Technique at home, and you can use it anytime, anywhere. If you have lower back pain, you’ll probably be motivated to employ the principles of the Alexander Technique often.



Alexander Technique Computer Posture

Many of us sit at desks all day staring at computer screens. We often form a ‘C’ curve, making hinges in our spine where none exists. (The neck, and the lower back.) Your body presses down on these developing ‘hinges’.

Discs are being compressed causing lower back pain, and neck pain. The Alexander Technique helps your lower back decompress, lengthening the entire spine, providing lower back pain relief.

This decompression near the bottom is accomplished by decompressing at the top; the neck-head relationship.

Let your neck free up so that your head moves up and away from the top of your spine, leading your entire spine into length.

In opposition to the up, let your sit bones release down into the chair. You’re comfortably and sustainably going up and down, helping to relieve lower back pain.

Use the Alexander Technique to relieve lower back pain, neck tension, and more.

Mark Josefsberg-Alexander Technique NYC

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