The Alexander Technique relieves tension and stress. There is no clear distinction between mind and body, so relieving tension in one area helps the other.
Bookend gaining
Speed-Living What’s the rush? There’s nothing wrong with speed-reading, or speed-walking, or speed-dating for that matter, (where you meet someone for breakfast and break up at brunch.) But everything is getting kind of speedy, so it’s more important than ever to occasionally stop, wake up, slow down, become aware, then go in a direction of [...]
The Alexander Technique–Embraceable You
Tension While thinking about a future event that may or may not happen, I noticed I was physically bracing. My habit, (along with my unhealthy obsession with porcelain poodles), involves some tightening in my jaw, my neck, and a slight raising of my left shoulder. How about you? And while I'm asking, how does anxiety, boredom, [...]
Alexander Technique, Stress, Posture, and Change.
Human beings have the (unfortunate) ability to experience stress, with all its physical manifestations, even before a stressful event has taken place. And, just by thinking, we can re-experience the stress response months or years after a past event. And it's oddly comfortable, like a good slump. It's familiar. It's who we are. It's a habit. Bi-directional [...]
20 Tension Relieving Tips
1. Become aware, and then let go of the muscles in the back of your neck. 2. Think of your head moving up. (The crown of your head) 3. Slightly, slowly lower your nose. 4. Continue 1,2,3, and let your sit bones release down in your chair, but your torso moves up. 5. If you're standing, let your feet release down while the rest of you moves up. 6. Let your jaw dangle open, even when you're lips are closed. (Give it a try)...