Alexander Technique Posts

/Alexander Technique Posts

Every post in this site is related to the Alexander Technique. These posts don’t fit into any other specific category.

The Alexander Technique and Happiness

I think F.M. Alexander (1869-1955), the developer of the Alexander Technique, would be fascinated by the emerging evidence of how thinking affects our brain, how our brain affects our body, and how our body affects our brain. Detailed brain imagery demonstrates that thinking is not a purely mental process; it is physical as well. Measurable, physical changes occur in our brains 'just' by thinking. In other words, we don't just think. We change our brains, in function and structure, with our minds and bodies...

The Alexander Technique is all Homework

After their first Alexander Technique lesson people ask: "Is there anything I could do at home?" There is everything you could do at home! Moreover, there is no thing, no action, no situation at home or anywhere else where you can't exercise the Alexander Technique. You use the Alexander Technique at home, at work, and anywhere. The Alexander Technique homework is not homework in the traditional sense; where you block out an hour or two to do work. You don't have to do the Alexander Technique one or two hours per day. You just do it every waking hour of every day, and every night as you sleep. Weekends too. Also vacations...

Alexander Technique In The Kitchen

At our recent Alexander Technique lesson, one of my Alexander Technique students told me she noticed how much extra effort she was using while chopping vegetables. Under normal circumstances we are not angry at vegetables. Next time you’re cutting something, take a moment and pause. Notice the grip you are using while holding the knife. If you are gripping more than necessary...

What Is The Alexander Technique?

  What is the Alexander Technique? The Alexander Technique is difficult to categorize or define, partly  because it helps people in diverse ways. However, most people seek Alexander Technique lessons for three main reasons: 1. They want to improve their posture. 2. They want neck and back pain relief. 3. They want to have better [...]

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