Every post in this site is related to the Alexander Technique. These posts don’t fit into any other specific category.
Looking Up With The Alexander Technique
Looking Up With The Alexander Technique Do you ever notice what you're looking at when you're walking? You might notice that your gaze is down, perhaps five or six feet in front of you. Note your thought patterns when you are looking down at this steep angle. Maybe you'll notice that you’re worrying about something, [...]
The Alexander Technique And Sitting Down To Write
...either way, the Alexander Technique deals with sitting comfortably. Writing provides us with yet another way to use the Alexander Technique and become aware of our habits. Since most of our writing is done seated, we want to learn to be as easeful as possible in this position, since we often we sit for hours a day. The first thing we might examine is how much tension we have while seated. Are we overly tensed?...
Alexander Technique and Doctors, Dentists, Dental Hygienists, Hairdressers, etc.
Sometimes, when we see dentists, doctors etc., we are put in weird positions and I’m not talking about having to foot the bill. Which reminds me of one more: Podiatrists. The weird position I’m talking about has to do with what we have to do with our body, and specifically our neck, so that these [...]
Alexander Technique- New York Times (excerpt)
By Jane Brody It would come as no surprise to teachers of the Alexander technique, a method of adjusting body postures to relieve damaging stresses, to hear that my neck is plagued by perpetual tension, occasional pain and even crippling spasms. Alexander teachers say the demands of modern life have fostered a virtual epidemic of [...]