Alexander Technique Posts

/Alexander Technique Posts

Every post in this site is related to the Alexander Technique. These posts don’t fit into any other specific category.

The Alexander Technique and the Sushi Chef

Art comes first. Life comes first. Joy comes first. Love comes first. The sushi chef is bent over his work, his art. Right now, this is his life; nothing else matters. He's a human being in the moment. His body forms the shape of...of a guy making sushi. He may someday develop pain, diminish his [...]

Use The Alexander Technique

"How can I use the Alexander Technique in my life?" I hear this question, and versions of it, frequently at Alexander Technique lessons. It's really a great question and gets to the heart of the matter of the benefits of the Alexander Technique. The Alexander Technique is done as you think about it. If you're thinking about the principles of the Alexander Technique, you're using the Alexander Technique, or you're doing the technique, or you're practicing the technique, or you're performing the technique, or you're applying the technique, or you're incorporating the Alexander Technique into your life. As an Alexander Technique teacher I emphasize awareness of initiating movement; how you start actions like moving your hands, initiating walking, so...

Universal Inhibition

Alexander Technique's "inhibition" does not reside exclusively within the realm of the Alexander Technique. Inhibition is universal and timeless. It was not invented by anyone. It just was, and is. Inhibition is used by people from every walk of life, and by animals in every walk, swim, fly, and crawl of life...

Alexander Technique Benefits

When people ask me: "what are the benefits of the Alexander Technique?", or "how will the Alexander Technique benefit me?", I ask "what benefits do you want to get from the Alexander Technique?" I have to ask this because the number of benefits of the Alexander Technique are large, and different for everyone. The first, most important benefit of the Alexander Technique is... it works. The Alexander Technique works because...

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