Alexander Technique Posts

/Alexander Technique Posts

Every post in this site is related to the Alexander Technique. These posts don’t fit into any other specific category.

Alexander Technique And Acting

Working with NYC actors is similar to working with non-actors with a few significant differences. As with singers, the actors' body is his/her instrument. If your 'instrument' is being tensed or strained unconsciously, if you have a level of body un-awareness, you'll be less expressive at the very least. Actors I've worked with have told me that after our Alexander Technique lessons they're better able to approach roles and auditions with a blank slate. From that neutral place...

The Alexander Technique, Bicycles, and Soup

What do eating soup and riding a bicycle have in common, besides the desire to avoid a spill? Riding bikes, eating soup, and similar actions may contribute to poor posture, back pain, and neck tension. Alexander Technique and Bike Riding. When we ride a bike, we pitch forward. This forward angle occurs most dramatically on [...]

The Alexander Technique- Doctors Say…

“The Alexander Technique remains the best of the self-care strategies to prevent the sequel of poor posture and poor breathing.”-Harold wise, MD.,PC, New York, NY “The Alexander Technique stresses unification in an era of greater and greater medical specialization. Its educational system teaches people how to...

The Alexander Technique And Garbage

...I just did it amping up the principles of the Alexander Technique. I used the principles of the Alexander Technique by letting go of the extra, un-needed tension in my neck, allowing my head to rotate forward, and up. My head led my spine into length and I thought upwards as I went down to the kitchen bags, but just by bending my knees and letting my hip joints move backwards. I don’t know if I made the process more fun, but the Alexander Technique (or, the Alexandra Technique) changed it. The first thing I noticed was that I was noticing...

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