Mark Josefsberg

/Mark Josefsberg

About Mark Josefsberg

Mark has maintained a full-time Alexander Technique teaching practice in New York City and online since his national certification in 2003. He teaches online group classes and private lessons. Mark is a former faculty member of The American Center for the Alexander Technique (ACAT). Schedule a zoom class with Mark to see what the Alexander Technique can do for you. Click on SCHEDULING.

Your Back Pain Is Killing Me!

...the Alexander Technique 'inhabits' your body through the cultivation of awareness. We realize, through Alexander Technique lessons, that we have control over this tension. I didn't know that I had control over my overly-tensed painful neck until I started working with an Alexander Technique teacher. I just thought: my neck is tense and it hurts. I didn't know...

Over Learning The Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique has been described as a reeducation technique or psycho-physical reeducation. It is also a technique to be overlearned, and not only because you learn it over other things (bad habits of either movement or stillness), but when it comes to the Alexander Technique we need to be overeducated; we need to overlearn it so that we can use it under duress, much like a musician practices over and over to be able to execute music under stress...

The Alexander Technique And Meditation

The Alexander Technique and meditation can be beautifully interwoven. The Alexander Technique and meditation are made for each other. Since the Alexander Technique is known as a 'pre-technique', using it before meditating, or just as you initiate meditation, can enhance your meditation practice. The Alexander Technique helps shorten the time it takes to...

Alexander Technique for Back Pain, The Alexander Technique for Neck Pain.

The Alexander Technique helps reduce pain, and I know this from personal experience. The Alexander Technique got me out of the severe neck pain I was in, and now I see the same results over and over as I teach Alexander Technique lessons in NYC to people suffering from back pain, neck and shoulder pain, hand pain. We don't realize that we're causing our own pain by the way we use our bodies (poor posture, added stress). The good news is that the Alexander Technique shows us a way out from this pain. It puts us back in control...

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