Mark Josefsberg

/Mark Josefsberg

About Mark Josefsberg

Mark has maintained a full-time Alexander Technique teaching practice in New York City and online since his national certification in 2003. He teaches online group classes and private lessons. Mark is a former faculty member of The American Center for the Alexander Technique (ACAT). Schedule a zoom class with Mark to see what the Alexander Technique can do for you. Click on SCHEDULING.

Alexander Technique Is Holistic

In Man's Supreme Inheritance by F.M.Alexander, (the 'Alexander' in the Alexander Technique) writes..."a human being functions as a whole and can only be functionally changed as a whole." In my Alexander Technique teaching here in NYC this is illuminated countless times. People get the mistaken impression that their back pain has nothing to do with their neck, their neck pain has nothing to do with their jaw, their hand pain has nothing to do with their overall tension, and their shallow breathing has nothing to do with their job...

Alexander Technique's Positive Side Effects

Have you noticed the pharmaceutical commercials where the list of potential side effects seems to go on and on? Many of them sound worse than the original condition the drugs are supposed to treat. The Alexander Technique has side effects just like the drugs being advertised on TV. However, these side effects are surprisingly different-- [...]

What Is The Alexander Technique? (Part 2)

The Alexander Technique is a way to reduce back pain. It's a way to reduce neck pain. A way to have better posture. It's psychophysical re-education. Reduce stress...reduce anxiety... reduce tension...increase awareness. Help with RSI, TMJ, MS. The Alexander Technique helps you use your body the way it was designed. Alexander Method helps asthmatics and people with Parkinson's. You can use it while at the computer, or putting on make-up, or...

Alexander Technique Instruction for Arms and Hands

  How many times do we lift our arms and use our hands throughout the day? Countless times, and every time we lift them we want to utilize principles of the Alexander Technique, and remember Alexander Technique instructions.  First, the primary directions: I wish my neck to be free, to allow my head to move [...]

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