Mark Josefsberg

/Mark Josefsberg

About Mark Josefsberg

Mark has maintained a full-time Alexander Technique teaching practice in New York City and online since his national certification in 2003. He teaches online group classes and private lessons. Mark is a former faculty member of The American Center for the Alexander Technique (ACAT). Schedule a zoom class with Mark to see what the Alexander Technique can do for you. Click on SCHEDULING.

The Alexander Technique and Jaw Tension.

The Alexander Technique and your jaw. Grinding your teeth? Grinding through your life? Is your daily grind starting to wear you down? Hard work has it's place, and there may be times when you want to "keep your nose to the grindstone", but this doesn't always serve you well. You may end up with a [...]

The Alexander Technique- Doctors Say…

“The Alexander Technique remains the best of the self-care strategies to prevent the sequel of poor posture and poor breathing.”-Harold wise, MD.,PC, New York, NY “The Alexander Technique stresses unification in an era of greater and greater medical specialization. Its educational system teaches people how to...

The Alexander Technique And Garbage

...I just did it amping up the principles of the Alexander Technique. I used the principles of the Alexander Technique by letting go of the extra, un-needed tension in my neck, allowing my head to rotate forward, and up. My head led my spine into length and I thought upwards as I went down to the kitchen bags, but just by bending my knees and letting my hip joints move backwards. I don’t know if I made the process more fun, but the Alexander Technique (or, the Alexandra Technique) changed it. The first thing I noticed was that I was noticing...

Alexander Technique For Pain

When speaking of musculoskeletal problems and pain, the damage has been done are five of the most depressing, disheartening, unintentionally cruel and very often untrue words a health professional can say...This is what a doctor recently told one of my new students, who was trying the Alexander Technique for an Alexander Technique teacher in NYC, part of my job is to help people reverse or prevent damage, and I see back pain, neck pain etc. minimized and eliminated all the time, every day. People get better, and better, and better. The power of the human body (and mind, and spirit) to rejuvenate is well known. People start the healing process the minute they stop hurting themselves. The Alexander Technique teaches you how to stop the pain. The Alexander Technique teaches you how to stop the damage, so you can start getting better...

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