Mark Josefsberg

/Mark Josefsberg

About Mark Josefsberg

Mark has maintained a full-time Alexander Technique teaching practice in New York City and online since his national certification in 2003. He teaches online group classes and private lessons. Mark is a former faculty member of The American Center for the Alexander Technique (ACAT). Schedule a zoom class with Mark to see what the Alexander Technique can do for you. Click on SCHEDULING.

Alexander Technique, yoga floor, therapist’s couch.

The Alexander Technique and the floor.   One of my students, who I'll call Ellen, has suffered with post traumatic stress disorder most of her life. Many modalities have helped her, but she hadn't come across the Alexander Technique until recently. She now realizes that, for her, it was a missing link. Everything else she's done [...]

The Alexander Technique and the Starbucks Slump

Got my own small table by a window. I saw the usual array of cell phones, tablets, laptops, and slumping people. People collapse towards devices as if they're bowing down to them. It's the Alexander Technique in reverse, the Alexander Technique backwards, the Alexander Technique gone terribly wrong. There was a young woman, tall, sitting [...]

Doing the Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique is yours. The Alexander Technique belongs to you. You own it forever and no matter what happens, no one can take it from you. Turn on and turn up the Alexander Technique principles anytime, anywhere. The Alexander Technique is for anything you're doing in the moment. Use the Alexander Technique before work, during work, after work, on vacation and after retirement. Twenty-four seven, the Alexander Technique is you. You do the Alexander Technique yourself, and you can't do it wrong...

Poor Posture Increases Pain Sensitivity

Here is a post from Psych Central. This is something Alexander Technique teachers have known for years (about 115 years) It concerns posture and it's effects on pain. While it doesn't address the how of achieving good posture, it does speak to the effects of poor posture on pain. There is also another element: poor posture can cause pain. I see it every day when giving Alexander Technique lessons. One of the big culprits for back pain and neck pain is the computer...

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