picture-12The Alexander Technique calms you down as it wakes you up. The Alexander Technique lets you know what you already knew but forgot, because you didn’t do it consciously. It makes the unconscious conscious, giving some un-namable things names. Reinforced by a guiding touch, the Alexander Technique gives you words, ideas, strategies, and directions for improving your posture, for example.  The Alexander Technique has plenty of side effects, only they’re all good ones.

As a teacher of the Alexander Technique, I want to bring out the Alexander Technique in my students and myself, because it’s already there within both of us. We just need some coaxing, coaching, and cobweb cleaning. The Alexander  Technique is a process, yet it sometimes yield immediate results. It helps you change direction from down to up in your body/mind, attitude, mood and appearance. The Alexander Technique helps you stay in the present moment, or get back there quicker. It slows you down as it helps you accomplish more, more efficiently. You can’t always get what you want, but you can learn to not get what you don’t want. The Alexander Technique helps you relieve tension and stiffness, which affects breathing, pain, and posture. The Alexander Technique helps your posture which affects tension, breathing, and pain.

Like massage, it is relaxing and has to be experienced. Unlike massage you can do it on yourself anywhere, anytime, or all the time. Practice the Alexander Technique as often or infrequently as you like. You practice it while you’re walking, riding the subway, at work, or after work. You put the Alexander Technique into practice in your life, in your own way. It helps you become aware of what you’re doing so that you can change things, or leave things the way they are. It calms you down while it wakes you up, one of the many positive sets of desirable oppositions.

Mark Josefsberg-Alexander Technique NYC


(917) 709-4648