Alexander Technique Principles

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Alexander Technique—Getting back to back back and back back and up.

Alexander Technique teachers routinely talk about directing your back to be back and up. Some Alexander teachers prefer the direction: torso back and up. Either way, letting your back to go back and up includes your neck, as well as your upper, middle and lower back. If your lower back is going back and up, [...]

How To Use The Alexander Technique For Traveling

One of the many useful aspects of the Alexander Technique is its portability. The Alexander Technique is a tool you use anywhere, at any time. So when traveling, you can take the Alexander Technique with you. Think of it as a carry-on. You can't really use chiropractic, acupuncture, or physical therapy as you use the Alexander Technique. For each of those methods, and so many more, one goes to the practitioner for treatment. The Alexander Technique stays with you, and moves with you. You own the Alexander Technique, therefore the Alexander Technique makes for a perfect traveling companion. When we are traveling we are usually seated, and often the sitting situation is not optimal. We are cramped into buses, planes, trains, or cars...

Mark Josefsberg-Alexander Technique NYC In New York Magazine

I was happy to be asked by New York Magazine to write a few sentences about the Alexander Technique. The Alexander Technique was to be included as one of the steps in an article entitled: '50 Steps To Simple Happiness.' New York Magazine wanted me to give a few instructions about the Alexander Technique, and when to 'do' the Alexander Technique. Yikes... When to do the Alexander Technique? When not to do the Alexander Technique would save space! The Alexander Technique isn't something you do at certain times, say from 7 to 8 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Alexander Technique is more like...

Is The Alexander Technique Covered By Insurance?

Do Alexander Technique Teachers Accept insurance? This question comes up quite frequently with people inquiring about lessons in the Alexander Technique. And why not. One way or the other we pay quite a lot for health insurance. Most health insurance companies here in New York State will not pay for Alexander Technique lessons... If you have back pain or neck pain, health insurance companies will cover doctors who might prescribe painkillers or muscle relaxers, and then refer you to physical therapists. If that doesn’t work the next stop is surgery. While physical therapists can be great for some problems, they are not always the answer.

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