The Alexander Technique feels good.

“I don’t want to move” is a statement I hear often during Alexander Technique lessons. People feel so good, especially after leaving the massage table, they don’t want to take a step, or even move their head. They don’t want to ruin their newfound open, decompressed, loose, relaxed state. And who could blame them? In a relatively short time they have altered their thoughts, feelings, viewpoints, and sensations. They are out of their usual postural and breathing habits, and poles apart from how they live their hurried, overly-focused lives.

But this is precisely how you could live your life, and after a while the feeling won’t go away. It stays with you, or you stay with it. You learn to apply the Alexander Technique principles and use the Alexander Technique anytime, anywhere.

New Alexander Technique habits

One of the many unique aspects of the Alexander Technique is how you increasingly live more in this expanded, open, upright yet relaxed place. The Alexander Technique helps permanently change unwanted habits, so you’ll be decreasing your compressing, shortening, narrowing, gripping, slumping, and slouching. Conversely, you won’t be sitting up rigidly straight attempting to have good posture by using military posture. 

You don’t have to wait for another Alexander Technique lesson to get that ” I feel good and moving will mess it up” feeling back. You get the feeling back by implementing Alexander Technique principles that Alexander Technique teachers show you with demonstration, touch, and verbal cues. You’ll have good posture without rigidity; with freedom.

You’ll feel so good you’ll want to move.

Mark Josefsberg-Alexander Technique NYC

(917) 709-4648