picture-62‘The damage has been done.’ This is what a doctor recently told one of my new students, who was trying the Alexander Technique for pain. When speaking of musculoskeletal problems, the damage has been done are five of the most depressing, disheartening, unintentionally cruel and very often untrue words a health professional can say. The damage has been done. Translation? Give up. Get used to the pain. There’s nothing you can do about it. Live with it. “Next.” This might not be a death sentence, but it is a pain sentence. Perpetual, enduring, persistent pain by diagnosis.

I listened to these words, pertaining to my neck, many years ago, by my potential neck surgeon. (Never did the surgery) The Damage Has Been Done. He was wrong. The damage has been reversed. I found the Alexander Technique for pain.

Sometimes people takes Alexander Technique lessons to improve their posture. People see themselves in a picture or video and are unpleasantly surprised seeing their posture. Sometimes this is the motivating factor in coming in for Alexander Technique lessons.

People may not realize the connection between posture and pain. The Alexander Technique is for posture, and the Alexander Technique is for pain.

Mark Josefsberg-Alexander Technique NYC
