
Alexander Technique’s “inhibition” does not reside exclusively within the realm of the Alexander Technique. Inhibition is universal and timeless. It was not invented by anyone. It just was, and is. Inhibition is used by people from every walk of life, and by animals in every walk, swim, fly, and crawl of life.

People may not realize they are inhibiting and, if they did, might choose to call this non-acted act by another name. Apart from the Alexander Technique, inhibition may have negative connotations.

Alexander Technique Inhibition

The Alexander Technique’s use of inhibition is intentional, practical, beneficial; a conscious choice leading towards freedom. But inhibition is universal.

Cats inhibit

Cats inhibit without actually taking Alexander Technique lessons, though they audit. When cats are stalking, they are inhibition champions. Their paws pause, waiting for just the right moment and place to pounce. Sometimes they wait so long, they forget everything. One can over-inhibit.

Inhibition in football

If the biggest, strongest, fastest football player on the field doesn’t inhibit on every play, he won’t be on the field for long. Every time a player fails to inhibit, his team receives a five yard penalty–Offsides. You saw movement, so you moved. Just a few of those in a row, he will soon be on the bench, screamed at by his un-inhibiting coach and un-inhibiting fans. A few too many lapses of inhibition per game, and his career is over. In football they call lapses of inhibition ‘offsides’ for moving too early. You’ve got to be ready, but not anxious or tense. You’ve got to be loose. You’ve got to be quick, but stay back until exactly the right moment. One split second early and the refs will blow the whistle and stop the game, because you moved your foot or your head.  Failure to inhibit- five yard penalty.

Poker, dart, musicians, and baseball

Poker players, dart players, and musicians all must inhibit. If a triangle player in the symphony comes in a split second early, her triangular days are over.

I heard a sportscaster describing a batter who was in a batting slump say: “he’s not staying back.”

His Alexander Technique teacher will probably address that at their next team Alexander lesson.


Mark Josefsberg-Alexander Technique NYC

(917) 709 4648