
Have you noticed the pharmaceutical commercials where the list of potential side effects seems to go on and on? Many of them sound worse than the original condition the drugs are supposed to treat.

The Alexander Technique has side effects just like the drugs being advertised on TV. However, these side effects are surprisingly different– they’re beneficial. In fact, most of my clients/students come to me for reasons other than those for which the Alexander Technique was invented.

F.M. Alexander came up with this method to solve a problem he was having, namely hoarseness and subsequent loss of his voice during recitations. Because solving his vocal problems involved his whole body (and his mind), the “side effects” of his technique involved all of him, going way beyond the narrow confines of his vocal cords.

With the Alexander Technique, your lower back problem cannot be treated without positively affecting your neck. If your main complaint is shoulder pain, there’s a good chance that your jaw will free up during the process of working on your shoulder. These are all positive side effects, and the list is endless.

So, if you study the Alexander Technique to help with your posture, don’t be surprised if your digestion improves!

Mark Josefsberg-Alexander Technique NYC


(917) 709-4648